Well shaped and long legs are every woman’s dream. In addition to good genetic heritage, exercise, conscious diet and weight control are important for attractive legs. In the event the desired appearance cannot be obtained despite these factors, plastic surgery will be suggested. Although it is impossible to elongate the legs with plastic surgery procedures, accumulated fat located in undesired areas can be eliminated with procedures such as liposuction, thus allowing the legs to appear longer. Thin and bowed legs can be corrected by fat and filler injections or a successful permanent leg implant surgery.
Fat accumulation in hips, thighs, inner knees and ankles can be corrected, they can be refined and reshaped with liposuction techniques, whilst fat injections are preferred in cases where the upper leg is too thin.
Thin and bowed lower legs cause difficulties even in daily clothing choices. Thin legs can be thickened. When laced appropriately, leg implants can reduce the gap between the legs, ensuring a straighter appearance.
They are the primary deformities affecting women’s self-esteem. In severe cases, it may be impossible to hide bowed legs; they may even be noticeable underneath the pants. In some cases, the deformity only consists of an indentation under the inner knees, in others the bone structure is straight however the thighs are too thin, or other issues such as genu valgum (knock knees) or genu varum (bow legs) are present. Solutions and techniques are suggested depending on deformities, following the consultation.
The most often used hyaluronic acid-containing fillers are Hyacorp or Macrolane. They last 2 years on average. The biggest advantage of these fillers is the absence of a recovery period without surgery, offering immediate results. Their overuse can cause allergic reactions. The most important disadvantage of filler injections is their impermanence.
Fat tissue, generally harvested around the abdominal area, are specially processed and injected in the concerned areas. The procedure is done in hospital environment under local anesthesia and sedation. 60 to 70% of the injected fat is permanent. A second session is rarely necessary. They are mostly chosen for indentations of the inner knee.
Desired calf volume and fullness is obtained with silicone implants that are similar to breast implants. They are designed to last a lifetime. In the case of bowed legs, they will be placed in inner thighs in order to reduce the gap between the legs. Calf implant structures can be symmetrical or asymmetrical and they come in various sizes and volumes. The prosthesis is generally chosen in harmony with the patient’s leg length and thickness. I prefer symmetrical implants for my female patients to ensure an aesthetic volume in calves and asymmetrical prostheses in male patients for a more muscular appearance.
Calf prosthesis procedures are done in hospital environment under general anesthesia, or local anesthesia supported by sedation. The operation takes an hour on average. The prostheses are placed through a small incision concealed in the skin fold behind the knee, under the back of the leg muscle fascia, on the muscle. If the surgeon has enough experience and follows the right surgical plan, there will be nearly no bleeding. The complication rate of this surgery is quite low when performed by an experienced surgeon. Following the operation, a specific compression dressing will be applied, the patient will leave the hospital the same day. Resting for a week will be sufficient.
It is possible to have curvier, better shaped and aesthetically more beautiful legs by appropriately chosen and applied calf implants