Loss of elasticity and sagging of the skin in the upper leg area is caused by gravity, aging and excessive weight changes. This loss of elasticity and even wrinkles are most often visible and inconvenient, especially in the areas where the skin is thinner, such as the inner-upper leg (inguinal) area. This situation causes loss of self-esteem, preventing the individual from wearing bathing suits or bikinis. Excess fat accumulation in the same area decreases the quality of life and hygiene, causing the inner thighs to chafe.
In the treatment of excess skin of the upper leg, it is removed through incisions done in a way that they will be hidden beneath the underwear. In the event a full thigh lift is requested, scars reaching the buttocks level will be visible. The best approach for these cases is a spiral thigh lift. Nonetheless, the situation is different for inner thighs. Fat accumulation in this area can be corrected with liposuction to reshape the leg contours. This method is simple and does not leave any scar, however it should be limited, performed carefully on the thin skin of the inner thigh that tends to sag. In the event the fat tissue is effectively removed and the aim is a straight, stretched leg contour, thigh lift surgery must be planned.
Thigh lift surgery is performed in hospital environment under general anesthesia. Excess fat and skin tissue will be removed through an incision of 4-5 mm done in the inner part of inguinal crease towards the back in an elliptical shape. In the event of a high volume of excess skin, it may be necessary to add another incision behind the leg. This decision will be discussed with the patient before the operation and made together. Steadily suturing the subcutaneous tissue to the fascia underneath the inguinal crease is the most important technical detail. Skin of the upper leg is loosened and stitched to the junctional area with dissolvable sutures. Drains are placed to evacuate blood and bodily fluids that can accumulate inside, they will be taken out the next day. I suggest each of my patients to wear a special corset for 3 weeks to ensure a comfortable and safe recovery period. It is also suggested to limit daily activities for a week. The scars will hidden beneath the underwear. It is safe to start physical activities such as exercising 6 weeks later.
There may be scarring issues following the operation, as the suture line is located in the inguinal (groin) area that is naturally moist and open to infections. It is however possible to avoid this scar healing situation with proper care. These issues will be remedied with dressings within a few weeks.
As the suture line is located in the thin skin a few millimeters into the inguinal crease, it can be hidden beneath the underwear immediately after the surgery and ultimately becomes barely visible scars that will generally not disturb the patient.
Another pleasing result of this operation is the extraction, in some patients, of dark skin of the inguinal area. The hairy area of the groin will also disappear with the removed excess skin.